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Clanfield Church of England Primary School

Rooted in faith;
enabling all to grow and flourish

Welcome to Clanfield CE Primary School

Welcome to Clanfield Church of England Primary Website. I hope you find the information contained here useful, whether you are a pupil having a peek at what other classes have been doing, a prospective parent deciding whether to send your child here, or an existing parent who cannot find the latest newsletter in your child’s bag! This website is updated frequently with latest news and information, calendar dates as well as a gallery of children’s displays, work and events. On the class pages you can see examples of super learning and explore termly curriculum information. Please visit regularly or perhaps set Clanfield Church of England Primary School as your home page!  

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Questionnaire Results - December 2024


Summary of Key Results:

100% of respondents agree/strongly agree that they are happy in their work.

100% agree/strongly agree that they know what is expected of them every


o (Note: A few responses were in the "agree" section. Please inform SLT

if further support is needed.)

100% agree/strongly agree that they are proud to be a member of the school.

o (The majority of responses were "strongly agree".)

100% agree/strongly agree that leaders support well-being.

o (Most responses were "strongly agree".)

100% agree/strongly agree that leaders do all they can to help staff flourish.

100% agree/strongly agree that they feel well-supported in school.

100% agree/strongly agree that they understand the school's goals and


o (Most responses were "strongly agree".)


Positive Feedback Highlights:

"Things I Love About Working Here":

1. "The warm welcome I received, the amount of training I have already had, and

how everyone rallies around for everyone!"

2. "That we are a team and can always turn to one another for help and


3. "I love how people support each other and are always ready to step in. The

team members complement each other with different skill sets, personalities,

and backgrounds, making this place welcoming. Even on bad days, we have

a good laugh, and people go the extra mile to cheer you up."

4. 6. "Lovely environment to work in. Good support."

5. "I have a voice."

"Supportive colleagues, team spirit, and the range of opportunities available to

the children within our curriculum. Leaders are considerate of well-being and

workload. Good quality PPA cover positively impacts our workload, and

subject leader time is provided for all subjects. Dates and deadlines are

communicated well in advance."

7. "Absolutely everythingthe school is a massive part of my life and that of my


8. "Seeing the children grow and flourish, and giving them the opportunity to do

this every day through the activities and experiences we provide."

9. "The whole school vision for children, staff, and parents."

10. "That we all muck in when needed. I really do think we have a good team."11. "The way everyone pulls together. Feeling supported by our wonderful TAs,

who go above and beyond. Being allowed to find joy in our curriculum and be

creative with our commissions. Everyone here is just so great,

knowledgeable, and dedicated to their work. I appreciate that this year we feel

more allowed to rest (a little!) in the evenings after our INSET at the beginning

of the year."

12. "I feel as though we support each other mentally very well."

13. "Leaders care, which is rare in schools where it is often all about numbers and


14. "Team support."

15. "The family/team feel, the willingness to help and support each other,

commitment to pupilseven the most challenging onesstrong leadership

and direction, clear vision, and high expectations."

16. "Everything. I feel blessed to work here. The soil is rich, and the rewards are



Next Steps:

1. Continue to build on the supportive environment.

2. Address areas where further clarification or support is needed,

especially regarding daily expectations.

3. Maintain open communication with staff to ensure well-being remains a



Thank you to everyone who contributed to this survey. Your feedback is invaluable in

making our school a better place for staff and students alike.