Clanfield Church of England Primary School

Being a Governor

The Governing Board is constituted in accordance with the Instrument of Government for Clanfield CE Primary School.

Click below for details about how to become a governor at Clanfield Primary School. 

When vacancies arise the following procedures take place:

Parent Governors

The role is advertised in a letter to all parents requesting nominations. If just one nomination is received that parent will be elected. However, if more than one nomination is received an election will be held. Candidates will be allowed to prepare a short statement and all parents are eligible to vote. The candidate who receives the most votes will be elected.

Staff Governor

The process is the same as for Parent Governors above, however candidates must be current staff and those voting have to be current staff.

Local Authority Governor

Is nominated by the Local Authority and is appointed as a Governor by the Governing Board having, in the opinion of the Governing Board, met any eligibility criteria that they have set.

Co-opted Governor

Anyone can put themselves forward to be a co-opted governor. Candidates are elected by the Governing Board. Please contact the Chair of Governors for more information.