Clanfield Church of England Primary School



We aim to create 'writers not just writing'.


At Clanfield C of E, we have developed a rich, progressive and inspiring English Writing Curriculum where children study a broad range of fiction and non-fiction including media clips, heritage texts, novels, picture books, articles, short stories and poetry. Each high-quality text is carefully chosen to provide excellent and engaging examples of the grammar and composition objectives set out in the National Curriculum for each year group. It also provides the opportunity for children to draw on the language and literary devices authors use to communicate their information, ideas and feelings to use in their own writing.

Below is an example of our Long term planning Writing in English.  

LTP Writing Year 5 and 6

English Medium Term Plan

English Long Term Plan

 Writing journey

In English lessons, children are taught to write for the reader and each Writing Learning Journey identifies a clear purpose, audience and viewpoint for the writing they create. Through the context of the book, children learn to plan their writing and develop their ideas through talk for writing and drama activities. They build a breadth of knowledge of different writing styles to draw upon when writing for different purposes. They develop increasing stamina for writing and learn to use language for effect with growing skill and control. They learn to edit their own and other’s writing for accuracy and effectiveness with increasing independence. Progress of writing is carefully monitored against national standards through independent pieces of writing undertaken throughout each unit of work. These engaging writing opportunities build a picture of children’s developing mastery of the writing objectives taught in each year group and ensures lots of opportunities for children to be creative and enjoy the art of writing.

                                                                                     Year 5 write and edit

Children all access the same high-quality text which is then used to inspire and model a writing outcome. In some year groups, the text is also used as the reading focus.

A Learning Journey provides children with approximately 3 weeks working towards a single piece of writing, ensuring all of their grammar and punctuation is purposeful and pupil targets are developed.

Children first enter the Stimulate and Generate phase of writing. Here the unit begins with a rich text stimulus and provides opportunities for children to explore spoken language, word level work and develop cultural capital (through visitors, trips, images, props). The next stage of the learning journey is the Capture, Sift and Sort phase. Here children explore the skills needed for the final outcome (planning; exploring genre and form; embedded grammar, punctuation and spelling). In addition, the children complete apprentice writes. The final stage of the writing process is the Create, Refine and Evaluate phase where teachers continue to teach skills and behaviours of a writer and children create a written outcome for a known audience. This is the phase of writing where children proof-read and edit their work: our learners are challenged and encouraged to take risks and view mistakes as another part of the learning process. The learning journey finishes with opportunities for children to publish their work ready for celebration and/or presentation.

Working walls are an important part of the learning process as they provide children with a form of continuous provision that they can refer to throughout the journey. These should detail the purpose for writing, vocabulary, skills being taught and modelled examples. During the process, the working walls should be referred to regularly and often. Key parts of the working wall should remain after a learning journey so children are reminded and encourages to use these skills in other writing.                                                   

                                                                                               Year 6 writing

Grammar and Punctuation, Spelling and Handwriting

The explicit teaching of Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation is essential to the development of children’s speech and writing. Children from Year 1 to 6 learn key grammar and punctuation concepts in the context of writing. Having a firm understanding of these allow children to be confident in building and manipulating interesting and varied sentences. Furthermore, they can then discuss and analyse their own language and grammar choices, as well as those of others, using the appropriate terminology. While this knowledge prepares the children for the end of KS1 and KS2 SATs tests, it also helps them to write with improved accuracy and confidence. In 2021 we introduced the Nelson Handwriting script . The parts of GPS, writing, reading and spoken language merge towards the final outcome at the end of each journey.

Our English Leader has worked closely with the English Team at the Hampshire Inspection & Advisory Service to develop an English curriculum which promotes our belief that every child has the opportunity to love books, love reading, love writing and to let them experience all the doors learning in English opens.

                                                                                  Year 1 writing November 2022