Extended Service - Breakfast Club
This wraparound childcare provision forms part of the Government’s extended schools agenda which includes After School Clubs and Breakfast Clubs.
Extended Schools are designed to help parents balance work and family commitments, whilst providing children with study support and offering them a broader range of experiences and interests. Our aim in Breakfast Club is to provide a healthy breakfast followed by activities which engage all the pupils to ensure a positive start to their day.
Our Extended Services facilities are available to all children from Reception up to and including Year 6 on a pre-booked basis.
Breakfast Club is open every morning, during term time, from 8am – 8:45am.
Please note children should not be dropped off at school before 8am and young children (i.e children below year 5) should be accompanied to breakfast club and not be left to make their own way from the school gate.
Booking forms should be returned to the school office.
Early Bird Booking form 2022/23For further details please contact the school office on 01367 810257 or email alexcastle@clanfield.oxon.sch.uk
Payment can be made via your child's SchoolMoney account (school's online cashless banking system), through the Tax Free Childcare Scheme details of which can be found on the Gov.uk website or via one of our registered Childcare providers as follows;
- Coop
- Computershare
- Edenred
- Kiddivouchers
- Sodexo