Online Safety
Young people use the internet for a variety of activities including games, research and homework and, of course, for accessing social networking sites.
Whilst they are confident with the technology children are not always able to make the right decisions about what they access, who they talk to and what they might post about themselves and others on the internet.
The internet is always evolving and Clanfield is a school that embraces this technology. We take a active role in educating our pupils in how to use it safely with a clear, progressive online safety education programme as part of our Computing curriculum. This covers a range of skills and behaviours appropriate to their age and experience. We plan online use carefully to ensure that it is age-appropriate and supports the learning objectives for specific curriculum areas.​
We make sure to remind our pupils about their responsibilities through the pupil Acceptable Use Agreement and ensure staff are aware of their responsibility to model safe and responsible behaviour in their own use of technology as well. Clanfield ensures that pupils understand issues around plagiarism, how to check copyright and also know that they must respect and acknowledge intellectual property rights. With these skills we ensure that our pupils are able to get the most out of their digital learning in order to help them achieve a high-quality computing education, which would equip them to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world.
For more information, please see our online safety policy below:
Online Safety Policy- see Policy page.
As part of our commitment to safeguarding our children and working with parents we have organised the following online safety information for parents. All the leaflets and resources are taken from the website and are available to be downloaded and shared with other parents or colleagues.
Our Online Safety Curriculum
As a School, we strive to prepare our young people for life as positive citizens. Part of that includes being positive digital citizens. We follow a scheme of work for online safety provided by common sense education which aims to prepare our pupils for happy, healthy and positive digital lives in line with the national curriculum for Computing and PSHE.
Case Study: fake news
After this, we discussed the fact that things are not always as they seem and considered how technology can be used to adapt photographs and videos so that they can show a different version of events.
Finally, we had a go at creating our own faked photos... what do you think?