Parent Voice
At Clanfield CE Primary School your views as parents/carers are paramount in our strive for achieving excellence in all areas of school life. Every year a questionnaire is sent to all parents and carers of children at Clanfield CE Primary School to enable them to share their ideas of what we can do better.
The school leaders and governing body use the results of this annual survey to help continue to improve school performance. A summary of the results of each annual survey is provided in the schools newsletters and on the school website.
Results from our most recent Parent Voice- January 2024
- My child feels safe 94% strongly agree/agree
- My child is well looked after
by staff at Clanfield CE School 98% strongly agree/agree
- The school responds to any
concerns or worries I raise 92% strongly agree/agree
- The curriculum taught seems
exciting and engaging for my child 92% strongly agree/agree
- My child is happy at Clanfield
CE School 94% strongly agree/agree
- There is a good range of
subjects available to my child at 94% strongly agree/agree
this school
- I would recommend this school 95% strongly agree/agree
to others
- Teachers and SENCo are brilliant at helping children
- Looks after my child's needs in a way that it's engaging and right for them. Switches up learning to be inclusive to every child's way of learning. Looks after their emotional wellbeing, and supports family where needed.
- Keeps parents informed. Organises activities, events and extracurricular stuff well.
- Nurturing, welcoming- in fact the nurture, is brilliant.
- Knows the children and their strengths.
- Accommodating the needs of each individual, tailoring the learning experience based on ability.
- Celebrating each child's strengths and supporting those who need extra time and care.
- Nurtures children to help them reach their potential.
- The teachers are very well respected for both quality of teaching and how they work with the class. Miss Thomas was a particular highlight for my child.
- It is a very nurturing and safe environment for our child to be educated in, and the support and attention from the classroom staff and leadership is excellent.
- Fun and safe environment
- Instil a passion for reading. Build on skills.
- Offers structure
- Very well lead and managed, good teachers who are engaged with the children and have the children respect.
- Good diverse curriculum
- It has a very driven leadership team and high standards whilst still being a nurturing place.
- Teachers listen to kids and parents.
- PE teacher is amazing and it’s great to have her now.
- Communication. Happy, vibrant staff. Everyone is so welcoming and warm. We'll done team!
- Their attention to detail and the care they put into each individual child is wonderful
- Nurturing community feel-they try so hard to include parents and the community
- The children enjoy school from what they tell me.
- Engaging curriculum and in EYFS have a good understanding of child needs and adapting accordingly.
- Caring for their children and supporting them to really flourish and be confident in who they are.
- Coming up with new and exciting things for the children to do. Topics have been really engaging and have encouraged a lot of extra attention at home
- The leaders deploy the resources available to them effectively to support the needs of the pupils, aiming high and promoting a real sense of community and belonging.
- Pastoral care and demonstrates good values, and a happy, safe environment.
- Clanfield has supported my child with extra reading and spelling lessons bringing her up to her expected level. Keeping us informed on how we can support at home. Great for sporting activities, competing against other local schools.
- Extremely compassionate and communicate well with parents
- SEND overall
- Their pastoral care is second to none. Excellent.
- Nurturing
- My child loves the topics and commissions, homework menu etc.
- Developing child leadership.
- Looking after my child
- A range of subjects to encourage the children to think outside the box
- I think the level of engagement with the parents is fantastic. I'm chuffed my daughter is part of the CPS community.
- So pleased we changed schools and came here- so many positives in comparison
- Teaching and leadership seems great