Clanfield Church of England Primary School


Senior Leadership Team

Mrs Kim Rogers - Headteacher & DSL

Mrs Amy Benfield - Assistant Headteacher & DDSL

Ms Carla Betts - School Business Manager


Miss Amy Slater - Ruby Class - Foundation Stage

Mrs Amy Benfield - Diamond Class - Y1/2

Miss Pamela Corns - Sapphire Class - Y3/4

Mrs Alice McPherson - Topaz Class - Y5/6

Mrs Jane Rawson - SENDCo

Mrs Kayleigh Sage - PE Teacher (part time)

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Monika Anderson - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Jade Brown - Teaching Assistant (maternity leave)

Mrs Jane Fairbairn - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Hannah Hill - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Fiona Krzywiec - Teaching Assistant

Ms Shelly Marshall - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Olivia Hatcher - Teaching Assistant

Ms Steph Lewendon- Teaching Assistant

Miss Lutece Constant - SEN Teaching Assistant

Office Staff

Ms Carla Betts - School Business Manager

Miss Alexandra Castle - Administrative Assistant (part time)

Extended Services Wrap Around Provision Staff

Miss Alexandra Castle – Breakfast and After School Club

Mrs Fiona Krzywiec - Breakfast and After School Club

Miss Lutece Constant- After School Club

Ms Steph Lewendon- After School Club

Miss Tilly Castle – After School Playworker (Weds/Thurs)

Miss Mia Krzywiec - After School Playworker (Mon/Tues)

Other School Staff

Mrs Sharon Wallsgrove - Cook (Oxfordshire County Council Services)

Mrs Patricia Harrison & Mrs Barbara Prew - Cleaner (Clarendon Cleaning)

As a school we are asked to publish whether any member of staff receives a salary of £100,000 or receives increments of £10,000. We confirm that no member of staff is paid these figures.