Clanfield Church of England Primary School

Topaz Class ​ (Y5/6)

Class Teachers - Mrs McPherson/ Mrs Fairbairn
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Krzywiec

​In Topaz Class we aim to inspire our children by fostering a love of learning in an inclusive environment with an 'every child can' attitude. Full immersion in our termly topics mean that children are able to nurture their creativity and curiosity in line with the 5 strands of the Clanfield Curriculum. We celebrate the individual and their unique combinations of strengths and challenges, studying aspirational role models from a range of backgrounds across the subject areas.

On this page, you will be able to find our curriculum maps, examples of learning and outcomes from Topaz class as well as copies of letters that are sent out. Over time, this website will be embellished further with news and helpful hints to enable School and Home to work together to care for, nurture and develop the whole child.

Thank you,

Our learning journey...

In Topaz Class we have had so many adventures in our learning. We will add photos to our learning journeys as they progress so check back for updates!​

During the Spring term we will be learning about the Kingdom of Benin with a focus on our class text, 'Children of the Benin Kingdom'.  Our commission work is centering around being 'Game Designers' - a job more and more relevant in the world we live in today.  Watch this space to see the task we are presented with! 

We will be placing emphasis this year on spirituality and 'awe and wonder' in the world around us; learning that it is ok to be still, in our thoughts and reflect (and respond) to our world.  We do this through regular 'stilling', mindfulness photo of the week displays and giving children a chance to respond, reflect and be calm and in touch with their emotions.   

 In Topaz, we love to read!  Whether it's our class text or sharing books on EPIC!  



Curriculum Information



topaz cycle b spring 1 pptx 1 .pdf



topaz cycle b spring 1.pdf






 Letters to Families


welcome letter term 3 1 .pdf


welcome letter term 1 docx.pdf